The Prince Harry articles Mirror obtained unlawfully and the ones that did not stand up

The Duke of Sussex was a victim of unlawful information-gathering at Mirror Group Newspapers (MGN), a High Court judge has ruled in the Duke’s case against the publisher.

Fifteen out of 33 articles by the Mirror titles brought forward by Prince Harry and his lawyers were ruled to be the product of phone hacking or unlawful information gathering.

The Duke’s case centred on these 33 articles, dated between 1996 and 2009, which he claimed were the product of phone hacking or “blagging”, which is obtaining information by deception.

Delivering his ruling, Mr Justice Fancourt told the High Court that this happened to a “modest extent” but was “carefully controlled by certain people” from the end of 2003 to April 2009.

After the ruling, the Duke wrote he had learnt that patience was a virtue “in the face of vendetta journalism”, adding: “I am happy to have won the case, especially as this trial only looked at a quarter of my entire claim.”

He also called on the stock market and the police to “do their duty” and investigate bringing charges against the company and those who have broken the law.

“Today’s ruling is vindicating and affirming,” he said. “I have been told that slaying dragons will get you burned, but in light of today’s victory and the importance of doing what is needed for a free and honest press, it is a worthwhile price to pay.” -BZnrzeHAjQ

Delivering his ruling, the judge said: “I have found the Duke’s case of voicemail interception and unlawful information-gathering proved in part only. I found that 15 out of the 33 articles that were tried were the product of phone hacking of his mobile phone or the mobile phones of his associates, or the product of other unlawful information-gathering.

“I consider that his phone was only hacked to a modest extent and that this was probably carefully controlled by certain people at each newspaper. However, it did happen on occasions from about the end of 2003 to April 2009 (which was the date of the last article that I examined). 

“There was a tendency for the Duke in his evidence to assume that everything published was the product of voicemail interception because phone hacking was rife within Mirror Group at the time. But phone hacking was not the only journalistic tool at the time, and his claims in relation to the other 18 articles did not stand up to careful analysis.”

The stories cover the Duke’s relationship with his family and ex-girlfriend Chelsy Davy, a few injuries and illnesses, his military service and allegations of drug use.

MGN told the trial in London that it denied 28 of the 33 articles involved unlawful information-gathering and that it was not admitted for the remaining five articles.

The Duke was one of four people who brought civil claims against MGN for allegedly hacking phones and using other unlawful methods to gather information about them, such as hiring private investigators and intercepting voicemail messages.

Here are the 33 articles that Harry alleged were the fruits of illegal information-gathering along with the publisher’s response and the ruling:

Daily Mirror: ‘Diana so sad on Harry’s big day’ (Sept 16 1996)

The first article was about Princess Diana visiting Prince Harry at Ludgrove School on his 12th birthday. He alleged that private information was leaked about his family life, namely the details of his feelings regarding his parents’ divorce. 

Mirror Group denied that this story was the result of unlawful information-gathering, saying the fact that Diana was visiting her son at school had been publicly confirmed by her spokesman to the Press Association two days before. 

The defendant also said Harry had no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding the information that he was thought to be taking his parents’ divorce “badly” – primarily because Diana had spoken publicly about his reaction to the divorce in an interview with Panorama.

In his ruling, the judge wrote that the article was published at a time before the Duke had a mobile phone, and that in 1996 there was no cause of action for misuse of private information, so the claim in relation to this article therefore “cannot succeed in any event”.

The Duke was one of four people who brought civil claims against MGN Credit: Julian Simmonds

Daily Mirror: ‘Princes take to the hills for gala’ (July 17 2000)

This article was about the Duke of Sussex’s plans to go on a rock-climbing trip with his brother rather than attending a gala pageant for the Queen Mother. 

MGN denied getting this information unlawfully, saying that it had already been reported in Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday stories beforehand, which confirmed the brothers’ absence from the gala and their rock-climbing plans. It said the non-attendance had already been confirmed by Buckingham Palace at that point. 

The judge said: “It is unclear whether any of the content could be considered private in view of previous publicity about the intended trip, but in any event at the time there was no cause of action for misuse of private information.”

Daily Mirror: ‘3am - Harry’s time at the bar’ (Sept 19 2000)

An article about Prince Harry’s 16th birthday celebrations, which he claimed divulged private information about his personal life, including his whereabouts at a lunch in Chelsea, London, to celebrate his birthday with friends. 

Mirror Group denied the claims and argued that photographers had been tipped off that Harry was in the pub and that he was photographed “after being spotted” and garnering “considerable attention” from people present at Sunday lunch. 

It said the story contained “limited and banal” information about his lunch, and that the paparazzi pictures were not published. 

Mr Justice Fancourt said: “Given the public nature of the venue and the limited content of the information in the article, it is doubtful that the Duke could establish a reasonable expectation of privacy in relation to it.”

Daily Mirror: ‘Snap ... Harry breaks thumb like William; Exclusive’ (Nov 11 2000)

The story was about an injury Prince Harry sustained to his thumb, which he alleged was private information. 

MGN said the information came from “extensive” prior reports in the public domain and had already been disclosed to the press by the Palace. 

It said it had been reported the day before by the Evening Standard, the Evening Mail and the Edinburgh Evening News – referring to what St James’s Palace had said and included quotes from “a Palace spokeswoman”.

The judge said this claim was “hopeless,” adding: “All the content was released by St James’s Palace in a briefing by a Palace spokeswoman the day before, and reported the day before the Mirror article by the Press Association, the Evening Mail, the Evening Standard, and in the Edinburgh Evening News and on BBC online, which both reported what the Palace spokeswoman had said.”

The Daily Mirror published a story about an injury Prince Harry sustained to his thumb Credit: Tim Graham/Tim Graham Photo Library

Sunday Mirror: ‘Rugger off Harry’ (Nov 11 2000)

This story was about an injury the Duke sustained while playing rugby and medical advice he received about the health of his spine.

The publisher claimed that the information came from a confidential Eton source, but admitted that the nature of the article was private. However, it added that it would be “obvious” to all at Eton that he stopped playing rugby. 

The judge said the information was of the sort that “a 17-year-old keen sportsman would be likely to share with his schoolmates – to whom some explanation of why he could no longer play rugby would be required – and that that information was divulged to a contact by the schoolmate”.

He added: “In the absence of any other evidence of [unlawful information-gathering] proximate to the article, and given the nature of the private information, I consider that it is more likely that not that there was no unlawful means used to obtain this information.”

Sunday Mirror: ‘Harry took drugs’ and ‘Cool it Harry’ (Jan 13 2002)

A story concerning allegations that the Duke smoked cannabis and his father’s reaction to this. 

MGN said the information came from “a series of articles published in the first edition of the News of the World the same day”, adding that it was followed up by every other Sunday newspaper. 

It said the Palace had confirmed the story to the now-defunct News of the World after the then Prince of Wales decided to cooperate with the title. The publisher added that Prince Harry did not initially allege that the Sunday Mirror articles about this had been unlawfully sourced. 

Mr Justice Fancourt said: “In summary, taking articles six and seven together, I am persuaded that VMI [voicemail interception] of some of the Duke’s associates probably took place, though not of the Duke himself, and that there was other UIG [unlawful information-gathering] which included call data. These would have disclosed some of the Duke’s private phone calls and conversations.”

The Mirror: ‘Harry’s cocaine ecstasy and GHB parties’ (Jan 14 2002)

A story about the Duke’s relationship with his brother, now the Prince of Wales, following allegations that Harry smoked cannabis.

By this point, the publisher said the Palace had issued a statement in support of the then Prince of Wales’s response to his son’s drug-taking. Queen Elizabeth II’s spokesman is quoted as saying: “The Queen shares the Prince of Wales’s views on the seriousness of Prince Harry’s behaviour and supports the action which has been taken. She hopes the matter can now be considered closed.” 

Daily Mirror: ‘Harry’s sick with kissing disease’ (March 29 2002)

A story about Prince Harry’s diagnosis with glandular fever. 

MGN claimed this story was obtained by Jane Kerr, a royal reporter who was “well connected”. It added that it was also during the period where the relationship between Mark Bolland, the then Prince of Wales’ deputy private secretary, and Piers Morgan, then the Daily Mirror editor, was “at its height”, so it was “likely disclosed” by him. It said it was confirmed by a statement from a St James’ Palace spokesman, as quoted in the article. 

The judge said: “It does look suspicious. However, communications between the Duke and his friends and family was not the private content that was pleaded, only the fact of the illness itself, so there is no claim in respect of any UIG relating to these communications in any event.”

‘No Eton trifles for Harry, 18’ (Sept 16 2002)

A story about the details of how and when Prince Harry celebrated his 18th birthday with his family. 

MGN said the information came from an interview given by Prince Harry to the Press Association arranged by his PR advisers to mark his birthday and to “rehabilitate his image after his earlier involvement with drug-taking”. 

It added that the story – which had been published in all of the Sunday papers the day before – had simply “repeated” the details that Harry had given, including that he would be having no party, that he would be spending the day with his brother and father and that his uncle gave him golf clubs.

Mr Justice Fancourt said: “In my judgment, that defence is fully made out. The only sentence in the article that is not fully covered by the Press Association interview is that he was driven back to Eton.”

The People: ‘Matured Harry is a godfather’ (April 20 2003)

An article in The People, which Prince Harry alleged shared private details of his being invited to be a godfather to the son of Tiggy Legge-Bourke, his former nanny.

The Mirror publisher claimed it was a rewrite of a Sunday Telegraph Mandrake column that was sold to The People by a freelance journalist, which included a quotation from Ms Legge-Bourke. 

It said the article reported that he had actually been invited to be godfather to the nephew of Ms Legge-Bourke rather than her son, as pleaded. The publishers claimed that Harry taking on that role was, “by its nature, public”.

Daily Mirror: ‘Harry to lead cadets’ march’ (April 29 2003)

A story revealing some details of Harry being selected to lead the military cadets at an Eton parade.

MGN said the information was made public by St James’s Palace the day before in an announcement. The Press Association reported it on the same day and it subsequently appeared in the Scottish Daily Record, Birmingham Post, The Times and the Sun, as well as the Daily Mirror.

The High Court judge ruled: “I cannot see how this could be regarded on any view as a matter on which the Duke had a reasonable expectation of privacy... The Duke accepted in cross-examination that the article was no more than a composite version of the Palace announcement and the Press Association report.

“There is no documentary material to suggest otherwise, in support of the claim in relation to this article, and one does wonder what kind of judgment was exercised when claims are pursued to trial in respect of articles of this kind.”

Daily Mirror: ‘Harry is ready to quit Oz’ (Sept 27 2003)

An article alleging that Prince Harry was considering abandoning his gap year in Australia because of unwanted media attention.

The Mirror publishers argued that the information came from statements to the press by Clarence House which were “widely reported”. The same story, based on the spokesman’s comments, also appeared in the Daily Telegraph, Daily Express, Daily Star and Daily Mail on the same day.  

Daily Mirror: ‘Beach bum Harry’ (Dec 16 2003)

A story with details of Harry surfing with friends while on his gap year in Noosa, Australia, which the claimant alleges came from a private investigator hired by MGN. 

MGN claimed the pictures came from an Australian freelance photographer and that the story “appeared in numerous papers on the same day”. It added that Harry had “no reasonable expectation of privacy while on a popular public beach in Australia”.

The People: ‘Wills... Seeing Burrell is only way to stop him selling more Diana secrets. Harry no... Burrell’s a…’ (Dec 28 2003)

A story alleging that Prince Harry and Prince William clashed over a meeting to “silence butler who betrayed their mother”. 

It claimed William wanted to see Paul Burrell to stop him from selling more secrets about their mother, while Harry was more distrustful of the butler using the meeting against them. 

The publishers claimed the story came from “a confidential source who specialised in royal matters and therefore had extensive royal contacts”. MGN did amit that the information was private to Prince Harry by nature about the disagreement between him and his brother, but said this was “outweighed” by the public interest in reporting information about the family’s response to Burrell’s claims about Diana. 

In his ruling, Mr Justice Fancourt said: “The fact of a serious disagreement between the Princes was clearly a private matter, regardless of the fact that they had previously made their joint feelings about Mr Burrell known and the fact that it was in the public arena that Prince William wanted a meeting and HM the late Queen did not want that.

“What is reported is self-evidently derived from private conversations between the Princes or other means of communication between them. In my judgment, it is probable that this private information was obtained by VMI of messages between the Duke and his brother or other associates. 

“The People therefore probably had the Duke’s mobile phone number by this time, at the latest. As I have already found, it is likely that it made use of it, cautiously, on occasions.”

Paul Burrell and Princess Diana Credit: Antony Jones/Getty Images Europe

Daily Mirror: ‘Harry is a Chelsy fan’ (Nov 29 2004)

An article detailing information about Prince Harry’s relationship with Chelsy Davy. The 107-word story identified Chelsy Davy as the “pretty blonde” with whom he had been on holiday in Argentina. 

The Duke has claimed that the information came from phone hacking, blagging or another form of unlawful information-gathering. He was particularly aggrieved by tabloid stories concerning Ms Davy and has blamed MGN for the end of their relationship.

MGN says the information came from a prior report in the Mail on Sunday the previous day, however, as well as two confidential sources and a South African photographer.

The judge ruled: “I disagree that there was no legitimate expectation of privacy: this was a private holiday for which significant efforts had been made to keep it, and the identify of those present, secret.

“As previously detailed in the PI [private investigator] Schedule, there is credible evidence of Mike Behr having conducted or organised flight blagging and telephone bill blagging in relation to Chelsy Davy on other occasions. It is evident that the Mirror journalists had obtained details of the Duke’s flights. 

“In my judgment, the story in this article – particularly the all-important confirmation of the identity of Chelsy Davy – was probably stood up by the Mirror by commissioning PIs to blag flight information, credit card details or phone billing data, to confirm that it was Ms Davy who had been in Argentina.”

Daily Mirror: ‘When Harry met Daddy ... The biggest danger to wildlife in Africa’ (Dec 13 2004)

An article sharing details of the Duke’s relationship with Chelsy Davy and his meeting her father for the first time.

The publishers claimed the information came from prior reports in the public domain, published the previous day by the Mail on Sunday, which ran an interview given by Ms Davy’s uncle, Paul Davy. In it, he claimed the couple wanted to marry and revealed that the claimant would be meeting Ms Davy’s father during the family holiday in Mozambique.

Mr Justice Fancourt said: “What is evident from this coverage is that once again the Mirror was able to be specific about flight arrangements…Most of it appears to be lazy journalism, picking up pieces from previous articles, but it is evident that someone at the Mirror obtained flight details relating to the various parties’ journeys to and from Bazaruto. 

“I find that this was likely to have been done in England, by a PI by unlawful means. There is, however, nothing to support a case that VMI was used.”

Daily Mirror: ‘Harry’s girl ‘to dump him’’(Jan 15 2005) and ‘Chelsy is not happy’. . (Jan 15 2005)

A story that revealed details about Harry’s relationship with Chelsy Davy, including that she may dump him after the Nazi uniform incident and details that he had spent time in “close proximity” of an attractive brunette. 

Another story revealed details about his relationship, as well as alleging a “tongue-lashing down the phone” after Harry allegedly flirted with a brunette.

MGN claimed the information came from prior reports in the public domain and a confidential source, adding that the speculation in this article in relation to Ms Davy that “it can’t be long before she drops him” was trivial and therefore did not warrant a reasonable expectation of privacy. 

The publishers claimed the information that Ms Davy had criticised him for his conduct was “obvious and trivial and not information in respect of which the claimant had a reasonable expectation of privacy”.

The judge said: “It is reasonably clear that billing/call data relating to Chelsy Davy’s mobile phone must have been obtained by MGN for the specific content identified…I consider that it is also probable that VMI was used, though there was no case advanced that the Duke’s own phone was hacked on this occasion.

“Some of the content of the articles has plainly come from earlier publications, or could have been stood up or added to by contact with any one of 250 people present at the party. However, the very specific information about what Ms Davy said to the Duke and how long their private conversations lasted could not have been obtained in that way.”

Sunday Mirror: ‘You did what!’ (Feb 6 2005)

A story that revealed details of the farm work the Duke had to do as a punishment imposed by his father, then the Prince of Wales, for dressing up as a Nazi to go to a party. 

His lawyers claimed this story was preceded by a “large number” of invoices surrounding various individuals around the Prince who were “no doubt targeted to see what they were saying in their voicemails”. 

MGN argued that the information came from prior reports as well as a confidential source. On privacy, it added that “any minimal privacy interest was outweighed by the public interest in this information about his work and the Royal family’s response to his wearing a Nazi uniform”.

Mr Justice Fancourt admitted it was “highly likely that UIG was involved in the preparation of the article throughout”, but added that he had no reasonable expectation of privacy as most of the information was already publicly available.

Daily Mirror: ‘Who dares Windsors’ (March 4 2005)

A Mirror story about Jamie Lowther-Pinkerton being appointed as private secretary to Prince Harry and his brother, Prince William.

This article was not alleged to have been an actionable misuse of private information but was complained of only as marking an occasion of unlawful information-gathering, denied by MGN. The publisher claimed the appointment of Mr Lowther-Pinkerton was the subject of an official statement by Clarence House that was “widely reported” and released the day before the article.

Mr Justice Fancourt said that in this case “the nature of the comments attributed to ex-colleagues of Mr Lowther-Pinkerton are not at all suspicious and are very unlikely to be the product of UIG”.

The People: ‘Chelsy’s gap EIIR’ (April 24 2005)

A story in The People revealing details of Harry’s relationship with Chelsy Davy and her plans to take a gap year to spend more time with him.

MGN said the information came from a news agency and that he had no reasonable expectation of privacy for such “trivial” information.

The judge said: “The detail in the article about the gap year plans and hours spent on the phone to Ms Davy, the Duke’s moods and feelings and what he told his brother are not explained by prior publications. It seems obvious that someone has had access to phone records, and voicemails too, to be able to report on this.”

He added that the journalist “must knowingly have used unlawfully gathered information” and also rejected MGN’s argument that the Duke had no reasonable expectation of privacy in relation to Ms Davy’s plans to spend time with him on a gap year and his feelings about that.

“These things are private by their nature, but particularly so given the difficulty that the Duke and Ms Davy had in conducting their relationship in the glare of publicity,” said Mr Justice Fancourt, adding: “Any secrecy or privacy they could get was of great value to them.”

Prince Harry with his then girlfriend, Chelsy Davy, in 2010 Credit: Christopher Pledger

The People: ‘Harry carry!’ (May 15 2005)

A story including particular information about the claimant being let off marches at Sandhurst because of his knee injury. It said cadets at the academy were furious that the Prince had been “let off gruelling runs” after he said he hurt his knee. 

MGN denied a payment of £150 made for contribution to this article and said “much of” the information came from a confidential source who “specialised in royal matters”. It claimed there had been “numerous” previous reports about his ongoing knee injury.

Mr Justice Fancourt rejected MGN’s argument about confidential royal sources, saying “it is inconsistent with the pleaded case and unclear why royal contacts would have information about the experiences of the cadets at Sandhurst”. However, he ruled that the Duke had no expectation of privacy in relation to the subject matter.

The People: ‘Chel shocked’ (April 9 2006)

A story including details of his relationship with Chelsy Davy and her anger in  “a string of phone calls” after he visited a lap-dancing club. 

The publisher said the information came from two freelance journalists at a news agency and that Harry’s visit to the Spearmint Rhino strip club had been widely reported the previous day.

The High Court judge said: “Although MGN denies it, the nature, length and content of private phone calls between the Duke and Ms Davy are self-evidently private in nature. 

“The fact that it may be ‘obvious’ that a girlfriend would be upset by a boyfriend enjoying lapdances does not mean that the detail of Ms Davy’s actual reaction and communications to the Duke, and their feelings about each other, are not private. They are certainly not outweighed by freedom of expression, given the unlawful way in which they were obtained.”

The People: ‘Davy stated’ (Sept 16 2007)

An article that included details of the Duke’s relationship with Ms Davy and three arguments the couple allegedly had before she moved to Leeds for university.

The publishers admitted the information that was complained about in the article was by nature private, but denied unlawful information-gathering. 

In his ruling, the judge said: “In the absence of some plausible explanation, this article was obtained by VMI of the Duke’s or Ms Davy’s or their associates’ telephones, and by obtaining telephone call data.

“The nature of the content of most of this article, things said by the Duke to Ms Davy or vice versa, is by its nature material that was very unlikely to be available to third parties by lawful means... The article refers to a “Palace source” but the Duke said, convincingly, that he never discussed the details of his relationship with anyone at the Palace.”

An article included details of the Duke’s relationship with Chelsy Davy and three arguments the couple allegedly had before she moved to Leeds for university Credit: Eddie Keogh/Reuters

Sunday Mirror: ‘Hooray Harry’s dumped’ (Nov 11 2007)

A Sunday Mirror story about the breakdown of Ms Davy and Prince Harry’s relationship. 

MGN said the information came from an exclusive in the first edition of the News of the World on the same day.

The judge said: “It seems very likely that there were attempts to cover the Duke’s activities generally at around this time, but that the private information about his relationship was not obtained unlawfully on this occasion.”

Daily Mirror: ‘Down in the dumped’ (Nov 12 2007)

An article revealing details of a trial separation from Chelsy Davy.

According to the Mirror Group, the information came from prior reports in the public domain.

Mr Justice Fancourt said: “There is nothing to support the Duke’s case that details of the trial separation were confirmed by VMI or UIG, and no new detail was published by the Mirror. In my judgement, this is likely to be another case of lazy journalism.”

Sunday Mirror: ‘Er, OK if I drop you off here?’ (Dec 2 2007)

An article detailing Prince Harry’s relationship with Chelsy Davy and her spending the night at Kensington Palace.

The publishers claimed he had no reasonable expectation of privacy in dropping Ms Davy off in his car outside Kensington Palace at lunchtime, where observers could see them. 

Mr Justice Fancourt said: “Information about the whereabouts of Ms Davy and the arrangements for her to spend the night in Kensington Palace are likely to have been obtained by voicemail interception.

“Ms Davy’s arrival and departure were carefully observed, and the photographer was not there by accident. The information about the state of the relationship and their sleeping arrangements (which were discovered by subterfuge) are clearly private and had not previously been put into the public domain.”

Daily Mirror: ‘Harry fear as mobile is swiped’ (July 26 2008)

A Daily Mirror story about Harry’s mobile getting stolen in a nightclub in Lesotho, Southern Africa, while he was on a trip to work on charitable projects. It was written in the story that the Duke’s contacts and texts were password protected and not accessed.

MGN claimed the story was reported by Agence France-Presse in the morning on the previous day and was later picked up by The Telegraph website before being run in the Daily Mirror the next day. 

The judge said this was another instance of lazy journalism and that it was “clear that this story had already been broken by the time that the Mirror published it.”

The People: ‘Soldier Harry’s Taliban’ (Sept 28 2008)

A story including information about Harry’s professional life, including being banned from going back to serve in Afghanistan.

The publisher argued that this military decision was not Prince Harry’s private information, adding that any minimal privacy interest was “outweighed by the public interest in whether a senior member of the Royal family, third in line to the British throne, should serve on the front line”.

Mr Justice Fancourt said: “[There] is likely to have been VMI or other UIG involved in reporting this story. The story was not already in the public domain, though issues about the safety of the Duke serving in Afghanistan were.”

A story was published including information about Harry being banned from going back to serve in Afghanistan Credit: John Stillwell/Pool PA

Sunday Mirror: ‘He just loves boozing & army she is fed up & is heading home’ (Jan 25 2009)

Details of the breakdown of the Duke’s relationship with Chelsy Davy because of his lifestyle and her view that he “loves the Army more than her”. 

The publisher claimed the information primarily came from two news agencies, which were paid £950 in total, and prior reports in the public domain.

Mr Justice Fancourt suggested that Harry’s voicemails were not the source of this story as much of it was inaccurate, as testified by the Duke when he took the witness stand, but he said that it had added “a considerable amount of detail about the reason for the break-up, the attempts to rescue their relationship, and the Duke’s and Ms Davy’s feelings, as well as acrimonious rows on a Mauritius holiday over the previous New Year period, an abandoned trip to South Africa and a conversation between the Duke and his father.”

He added that two invoices made it clear that Ms Davy was being targeted but were too late to relate to this article.

Daily Mirror ‘3am: What a way to Harry on’ (March 26 2009)

A story including details about his relationship with Astrid Harbord and the couple’s “secret dates”. It reported that the Duke was “openly cavorting” with Ms Harbord in a hospitality box at Twickenham 

MGN said the details came from the Press Association and prior reports in other newspapers. 

The judge said: “In my judgment, this 3am article was just lazy journalism, ‘our spy’ was an invention, and no UIG was involved in relation to the Duke’s private information, which in any event could not include what happened in a hospitality box at a public event.”

The People: ‘Harry’s date with Gladiators star’ (April 19 2009)

In this article, details about the Duke’s relationship with Caroline Flack were shared after the pair left a party in London together.

The publisher said the information came from a photography agency, which sold a shared exclusive to the Mail on Sunday and The People and added that the pictures appeared in both titles simultaneously.

The judge ruled: “In my judgment, it is obvious in this case that the likely whereabouts of the Duke and Ms Flack at Mr [Mark] Dyer’s house must have been obtained by VMI.

“Given the limited group who knew of the dinner, it is wholly improbable that Ikon knew of Mr Dyer’s flat or the arrangements otherwise. Although the Duke said that Ikon had stalked him for 10 years, they could not realistically have followed him from Lincolnshire to Mr Dyer’s and been there on his arrival.”

The People ‘Chelsy’s new fella’ (April 26 2009)

A story that detailed Harry’s relationship with Chelsy Davy and his attempts to win her back by “bombarding” her with calls. 

The publisher argued that there had been previous reports in other publications of the Duke potentially trying to rekindle his romance with Ms Davy, and her finding a new boyfriend.

Mr Justice Fancourt ruled: “The most probable explanation is that The People had obtained call data or access to voicemails, or both.”
