Keeping Corn Snakes as Pets: The Best Choice for You?

Why do people choose corn snakes as pets, over other species? What makes this particular species such a good choice for a pet? These are some of the most common questions I’ve received over the years. So I thought I would offer my views on what makes Pantherophis guttatus one of the best species to keep as a pet.

My background: I have kept garter snakes, Hog Island boas, “regular” boa constrictors, Brazilian rainbow boas, indigo snakes, gopher snakes, corn snakes, kingsnakes, ball pythons and more. So when I explain the pros and cons of keeping corn snakes as pets, I am basing it on 20 years of experience with many different species. Enough said about that. Let’s jump right in…

Keeping Corn Snakes as Pets

The corn snake is widely regarded as one of the best snakes to keep as a pet. I agree with this notion, for the most part. There are plenty of other species that make good pets, as well. Kingsnakes and ball pythons come to mind. But the corn snake is definitely at the top of the list — especially for first-time keepers.

So what makes them such a popular species? Several things, actually:

  • They are small to medium-sized snakes, so housing them is fairly simple.
  • They can become incredibly tame with regular handling (by reptile standards anyway).
  • They don’t have ultra-specific housing requirements, like some of the more tropical and exotic snakes.
  • They generally have good appetites when kept in the proper conditions.
  • They are available in many attractive colors and patterns (known as “morphs”), and are arguably one of the most beautiful snakes in the pet trade.

As a result of these and other factors, keeping corn snakes as pets can be a fun and rewarding experience.

Mommy, I Want a Corn Snake

I do not proactively recommend snakes as pets. They’re right for some people, but not for others. It’s a personal choice you’ll have to make on your own. But if you’ve already decided to get a pet snake (and you’re wondering which kind to get), I encourage you to consider this species.

I get a lot of emails from parents asking about this topic. Their sons and daughters are begging for a snake, and the parents are wondering if it’s a good idea. Is my child mature enough for keeping corn snakes as pets? What do we feed it? How big will it get? Are they dangerous? What kind of cage does it need? How do we keep it healthy? The best way to know if you’re ready to take on such a responsibility is to know what it entails. So let me tell you what it takes to keep a corn snake as a pet.

Basic Care Requirements

Corn snakes are one of the easiest snakes to care for in captivity. Feed them once a week, create a proper temperature range, offer some hiding spots, and clean the cage when it’s dirty. That’s nearly everything you need to know. You’ll find some more detailed care requirements below. But first, I want to give you the “photo test” to see if you’re truly ready for keeping a corn snake as a pet.

The picture on the right shows one of the more interesting aspects of snake care — feeding time. If you find this picture disturbing, you might not be up for the challenge of keeping corn snakes as pets (or any other species, for that matter). They eat rodents, and they swallow them whole. Plain and simple. That’s the reality of it.

Personally, I find feeding time fascinating. I’ve been keeping snakes for more than two decades, and I still like to watch them eat. They are carnivores. They eat meat. And in this context, the meat comes from mice and rats. That’s just something you have to accept — scratch that, something you have to embrace — if you want to keep a corn snake for a pet.

Are you still with me? You didn’t hit the back button after seeing the picture? Great! This means you’re up for the challenge of keeping a pet snake. Here’s what you need to know about corn snake care and keeping, in particular:

  • Housing — These reptiles can be kept in glass terrariums with a screen lid. The lid needs to be properly secured, or the snake will escape. They can also be kept in plastic cages designed specifically for reptiles. Vision cages are my personal favorite. They’re more expensive than a glass terrarium, but you truly get what you pay for. A baby can be kept in a 10-gallon terrarium. An adult specimen should be housed in a 30-gallon terrarium, or a three-foot plastic cage.
  • Lighting — The “old wisdom” said that captive snakes do not need specialized UV bulbs like captive lizards do. But research has shown that they do, in fact, benefit from a few hours of UVB exposure each day. It helps them manufacture vitamin D3. Additionally, you’ll get more enjoyment from the cage setup by adding a basic fluorescent light. Set it on a timer to provide about 8 hours of light each day. Make sure the lights go off at night, so the snake has a normal cycle of daytime and nighttime.
  • Heating — Like all reptiles, corn snakes are ectothermic. This means they rely on their environment for heat. They cannot heat their bodies from within, the way you and I can. In the wild, snakes will bask in the sun and warm their bellies on rocks. In captivity, a corn snake will need some kind of supplemental heat. You can provide such heat with a reptile lamp or an under-the-tank heating pad. The snake’s cage should have a temperature gradient, where one side is warmer than the other. The cooler side should be room temperature, or around 75 degrees Fahrenheit. The warmer side should be around 85 – 87 degrees (F). This allows the snake to thermoregulate and control its body temperature. Learn more about their heating requirements.
  • Feeding — In the wild, corn snakes eat a variety of rodents with a few birds “on the side.” A captive snake will live a long and healthy life on a steady diet of mice or rats. You can order frozen rodents online, just like you would order some Omaha Steaks! Pretty cool, right? You just thaw them out in warm water and offer them to the snake. A corn snake should be fed about once a week. The width of the prey item should be equal to the snake’s mid-body area, or slightly larger. I don’t recommend feeding live rodents to a captive snake, because it’s dangerous. The “battle” could go one way or the other, and that’s a coin you don’t want to flip. Frozen / thawed rodents are preferable.
  • Cleaning — The entire cage should be cleaned at least once a month. Spot cleaning should be done as needed. The water bowl should be cleaned and refilled weekly, or immediately in the case of fecal contamination. I use a product called “Quat Plus” to clean my snake cages. I’ve been using it for more than ten years, and I highly recommend it.

So there you have it, a guide to keeping corn snakes as pets. If you want to learn more about this subject, be sure to download my e-book. It offers more than 100 pages of care advice, more than most other care guides! Click here to learn more or download a copy. And don’t forget to click the “care” link in the main menu. We have dozens of additional care sheets on our website.
