Eddie Kingston Doesnt Want To Be Content, Shares How He Measures Success In Wrestling

explains what pushes him to be the best.

During an appearance on the MackMania podcast, AEW’s Eddie Kingston spoke about how not being happy professionally was something that continues to motivate him. Kingston said that he never wants to be content with his spot, and he’s still fighting to be the top guy, which in his opinion, means winning the world championship.

“No, I’m never happy. But that’s what drives me. I’m not mad at my situation, I can tell you that much. I’m not mad at the situation. I’m not happy because I’m not satisfied because I’m still working. I’m not the top guy, in my mind. And I’m old-school in this sense. The top guy’s the world champ, doesn’t matter who it is. That’s my opinion. It doesn’t matter who has the highest rating or who has the highest demo or whatever. If the company trusts you to make you their world champion, then you’re the top guy, you’re the one, you’re carrying the company. And I’m not there yet. So I’m not satisfied, I’m not happy” Kingston stated. “And it’s funny how I get more joy out of seeing my friends succeed there than myself because I wanna keep going. I don’t wanna be content. That’s my biggest fear is getting content because then there’s no point, there’s no point in doing it no more.”

Kingston reiterated that being world champion is still the benchmark he uses for success, but he doesn’t discount the fan interaction part of the business.

“For right now it’s being the world’s champion. When I look back on my career,” Kingston noted, “I’ll probably look at something else because I’ll be more mature and I’ll be able to sit down and think and fully embrace everything. I’m not fully embracing everything yet because I’m not satisfied. Being the top guy is the measuring stick for me, but even right now like I said, when I think about little kids and they’re wide-eyed and you’re signing something for them, and they’re having fun, that’s what it’s about too.”
