AEW Collision Results Coverage, Reactions & Highlights For November 25, 2023

It’s Saturday night, and you know what that means! AEW Collision will go down tonight, and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage for the November 25, 2023 episode.

The start time for AEW Collision is 8:00 PM EST. Match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below.

Tonight promises another exciting night of action as the Continental Classic Tournament continues. We’ll also hear from Adam Copeland tonight.

AEW Collision Lineup (11/25/2023);

  • Komander & Gravity vs. House of Black
  • Continental Classic Blue League: Daniel Garcia vs. Claudio Castagnoli
  • Tony Schiavone interviews Ricky Starks & Big Bill
  • The Righteous vs. FTR
  • We’ll hear from Adam Copeland
  • Continental Classic Blue League: Eddie Kingston vs. Brody King
  • Keith Lee vs. Lee Moriarty

AEW Collision Results (11/25/2023):

The opening package for the show airs.

Continental Classic Blue League: Daniel Garcia vs. Claudio Castagnoli

Claudio Castagnoli’s music hits and he walks to the ring. Daniel Garcia’s theme song plays and he walks to the ring.

The match starts and Claudio hits a backbreaker. Claudio with a suplex on Garcia. Claudio knocks down Garcia. Claudio hits Garcia in the corner. Garcia tries to fight back but is knocked down by Claudio. He sends Claudio to the apron and knocks him down.

Garcia sends Claudio into the barricade. Garcia with a dropkick to Claudio. Claudio swings Garcia into the barricade.

*Commercial break*

Claudio goes to work on Garcia. Garcia slaps Claudio and locks in the guillotine. He transitions into a sleeper hold. Claudio gets out of it and Garcia locks in the ankle lock. Claudio knock down Garcia. Cover! 1….2….kick out. Claudio with the anvil elbows.

Claudio locks in the sharpshooter. Garcia gets out of it but Claudio hits an uppercut. Cover! 1….2….kick out. Claudio with another uppercut and he follows it with the Riccola bomb for the win.

Winner: Claudio Castagnoli

Eddie Kingston is backstage and he says this tournament is very important to him that’s why he put his titles on the line. He says he wants to make this the most prestigious tournament. He says he has to got get ready to face Brody King and he walks away

Killswitch vs. The Boys

Killswitch’s music plays and he comes down to the ring.

The match begins and Killswitch destroys his opponents. He chokeslams them in the ring and then on the apron. Killswitch with a clubbing blow from behind for the win.

Winner: Killswitch

After the match, he grabs a couple of chairs from under the ring and sets it in the ring. He chokeslams one of The Boys on the chair. Adam Copeland’s music plays and he attacks Killswitch with a chair from behind. He hits him multiple times with a chair. He locks in a crossface using the bar from the chair. He hits him with a con-chair-to. Killswitch is still getting up and Copeland hits the stomp. He hits another con-chair-to.

Lexy interviews Adam Copeland who says he comes for Christian Cage. He says all of this is his Cage’s fault. He says Cage is insecure that he was going to be second fiddle. He says their friendship was more important than anything else. He says Cage made it personal when he said he was going to put him in a wheelchair. He says he wants Cage next. Adam says he is going to kick his face in. He challenges Cage to a TNT Title match on Dynamite.

Komander & Gravity vs. House of Black

The House of Black’s music plays and they come down to the ring. Komander’s music plays and they walk to the ring.

The match starts and Buddy Matthews knocks down Gravity. Gravity comes back with a German suplex. Gravity knocks Buddy out of the ring. Black comes and attacks Gravity. Komander tags in and hits a hurricanrana. He hits a dropkick. Buddy comes back with a German suplex.

*Commercial break*

Gravity tags in and attacks House of Black. He dropkicks them. Black and Buddy knock him out. Gravity tags in and hits a dropkick. Komander with a gutbuster on Black. Cover! 1…2…kick out. Black tags out. Gravity sends Buddy out of the ring. He goes for a dive but they catch him. Gravity fights out of it. Komander walks the rope and dives onto them.

Komander and gravity go for a dive but House of Black get the knees up. They hit them with the jumping knee strike. Buddy hits the stomp on Komander for the win.

Winner: House of Black

Action Andretti is backstage with Darius Martin and he says they have been building a lot of chemistry. Darius something might be missing and Dante walks in and says he is back.

*Commercial break*

TBS Championship: Julia Hart (c) vs. Lady Frost

Julia Hart’s music plays and she walks to the ring. Lady Frost’s theme song plays and she comes down to the ring.

The match begins and Julia knocks down Frost. Frost comes back with a combination offense. Julia knocks down Frost on the apron. She sends her to the barricade. She slams Frost into the post. Julia grabs a chair and places it near the ring. Frost slams Hart on the steel steps. Frost goes for a moonsault and misses.

Hart with a superkick to Frost. Hart with a lariat. She sends her into the ring. Frost comes back with a clothesline. Julia recovers and knocks her down. Hart lock in the Hartless lock and Frost taps out.

Winner: Julia Hart (c)

Lexy interviews Don Callis and Powerhouse Hobbs. Callis says he can’t understand how Golden Jets have a tag title match. He says Hobbs broke Jericho and Omega. He says Hobbs is a one-man wrecking crew.

The Righteous vs. FTR

FTR’s theme song plays and they walk to the ring. The Righteous’ theme song plays and they come down to the ring.

The match begins and Cash knocks down Vincent. He tags out and Dax hits him with an elbow drop.Vincent comes back with a back elbow. He tags out and Dutch hits Dax with a lariat.

Dutch with a bear hug on Dax but he fights out of it and sends Dutch and Vincent out of the ring.

*Commercial break*

Dutch with a splash on Dax. Cover! 1….2….kick out. Dutch slams Dax. He then goes for a senton and misses. Dax tags out and Cash attacks Vincent and Dutch. Cash knocks Dutch out of the ring. Vincent tags out and Dutch his the side slam. Cover! 1…..2…..kick out. Dax tags in and they hit the shatter machine for the win.

Winner: FTR

House of Black come out and says no one will come to save FTR now. He says this place is not the brotherhood they think it is. The lights go out and come back on. Black laughs.

Tony Schiavone introduces Ricky Starks and Big Bill. Starks’ music plays and he comes out with Big Bill. Starks says he thought Jericho would fight them back but he didn’t. He says Jericho is going to return and face him. Bill says Omega and Jericho look like the golden girls.

Starks says he and Bill don’t know each other that well. Bill says he knew he would make it to the top. He says when no one believed in him, he knew he would make it back to the top. He says he made it back to the top. Bill says Omega and Jericho are two of the best but they don’t realize what they are dealing with. He says he is going embarrass them.

Keith Lee vs. Lee Moriarty

Keith Lee’s music plays and he walks to the ring. Lee Moriarty’s music plays and he comes down to the ring.

The match begins and Keith goes for a spinning kick early. He hits Moriarty with the pounce.

*Commercial break*

Moriarty attacks Lee in the corner and hits a face buster. Cover! 1….2….kick out. Keith Lee slams Moriarty for the win.

Winner: Keith Lee

Lexy interviews Keith Lee who says he planned to praise Moriarty but he’s no Keith Lee. He says he is tired of the lack of opportunity given to him and he is here to take it.

Continental Classic Blue League: Eddie Kingston vs. Brody King

Brody King’s music plays and he walks to the ring. Eddie Kingston’s theme song plays and he walks to the ring.

The match begins and Brody knocks down Eddie Kingston. He hits the cannonball in the corner. Kingston is sent outside the ring. Brody with a couple of vicious chops. Kingston sends King into the steel steps. King continues to chop Kingston. He hits a crossbody against the barricade. Kingston gets back in the ring and King continues to work on him. Brody with a senton.

*Commercial break*

Brody King with a superplex. Kingston comes back with a lariat. Kingston attacks him in the corner with several chops. Kingston with the hurricane back fist on Brody. Cover! 1….2….kick out. Both men exchange strikes. Kingston hits a DDT. Cover! 1…..2…..kick out.

Brody slams Kingston to the mat. Kingston recovers and hits the exploder suplex. He then hits the half-and-half suplex. Cover! 1….2….kick out. Brody King with the piledriver. Cover! 1….2….kick out. King with multiple forearm strikes. Kingston comes back with the hurricane back fist but King comes back and slams Kingston for the win.

Winner: Brody King

This ends our live coverage of AEW Collision!

November 25, 2023 7:46 pm
